Öfverby klosterskola

Öfverby monastery school, a folk high school that gives basic education with the focus on the education of the heart

I'm seeking teachers

Publicerad 2020-07-21 01:00:53 i Teachers,

As I have said, this whole thing is a very poor beginning, but all things have poor beginnings. Do not despise a poor beginning. I do not despise myself and my school. 
I'm in the process of gathering teachers. I have a few already. We will begin teaching the following subjects: Religion, philosophy and history. That's the focal point of our school. If you have any expertise in any subject relating to these three greater subjects, inform me on msafig1(at)gmail.com. I might need you as a teacher in my school. I need people who are not already busy, who have despised talents which do not come to use in our society. There are a lot of such people. I know many such. Jesus came to the despised ones, those who were not allowed to do anything by satan. I also have come to those people. So be brave and contact me about your intellectual talents and your learning. You will not, because of my wretched economy, receive a salary in the beginning, but as my economy becomes better, your salary will become better. Until you receive money, you will receive my love and appreciation as your salary. 


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Öfverby klosterskola

This is a folk high school that focuses on basic education and education of the heart. The focal point of our education is religion, philosophy and history. We are a pretty new institution, therefore our primary way of education now is mail correspondence courses, and blogposts, and it will be complemented in due time with discussion groups where we gather around a table, debating with each other. Our goal is to have ordinary lessons in real facilities for students. And in the end, to become a real folk high school, developing to a university. Principal, or headmaster of the school, is Lars Larsen, a poet, ecotheologian and ecophilosopher. He is a wellpublished author, internationally read, and has also founded a new religion, The Order of the Holy Nature (TOHN), with a new established church, the Amorist Church, as one of its children. The foundation for this religion is his philosophy "Animalism", unique for him, where he states that we should live like the wild animals in the forest, as their equals.

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